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Thursday, April 2, 2009


I havent really done a blog before. Weird, huh? Im actually not sure why I made one, really. I think I just need to write some stuff down sometimes, you know?
I mean, I doubt that anyones going to care or anything.
Though today, a new girl joined the dorm. Shes a sophomore, I think, but shes really quiet and withdrawn from everyone. I would talk to her, but I kinda feel the same way. Its weird living alone with a bunch of seniors that hardly ever talk to you. Having Maemi, thats her name, join is kinda a relief.
But uh... still. No one really talks much, so not much has changed.

Anywayyy, I think this is just an intro post before I actually start writing things that make sense, soooo...! I promise the next one will be more interesting!

Until next time!



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